There are different ways to get involved in the developments which are taking place at St. Seraphim’s. We are looking for volunteers. We are also always greatly appreciative of any financial support which can be given. Please see below to find out more.





Volunteering at St Seraphim’s

The Trust is looking for volunteers to support its work to maintain the garden and archives and help us keep them open to the public.

Since becoming a Trust in 2008, St Seraphim’s has catalogued its collection of icons and icon-making materials, developed its Quiet Garden and achieved Museum Accreditation Status. In January 2018 St Seraphim’s Trust was successful in gaining a Heritage Lottery Grant to move onto the next phase of work, which included refurbishing the icon gallery and developing the volunteer base to engage visitors with the beautiful collections.

Roles include:

  • Garden volunteers to help at events and open days
  • General Gardeners.
  • Gardening for wellbeing group meets at the garden, every Monday from 10.30am – 1.30am, unless raining. No gardening experience needed. Morning tea provided.
  • Volunteers to help with the opening and closing of the Chapel.
  • Cataloguing and Archiving Volunteers

If you are interested in any of these opportunities please contact us


T: 01328 820610


Become a Friend of St Seraphim’s

Friends of St Seraphim’s support the activities of the Trust and the future developments at St Seraphim’s.

The Friends of St Seraphim’s has been formed in order to protect the important heritage of St Seraphim’s. The Chapel has been a central part of the development of Orthodox Christianity and Iconography in the country, and is regionally important as a ‘pilgrim station’, embodying both the industrial heritage of the area and the religious heritage of Walsingham. The Friends group is dedicated to raising funds to assist in the conservation of the Chapel, its Icon Gallery, Walsingham Station and its Pilgrimage heritage as well as making this available to the public.

Annual membership starts at £15. To become a Friend please download and complete the form and return to the address on the back of the leaflet.

Making a donation

The Museum’s fabric and buildings as well as our exhibitions, learning programme, public events, archival and conservation are paid for with donations from trusts, foundations and individuals. Every donation, no matter what the size, makes a difference.

Donate by post

To make a one-off donation by post please make your cheque payable to ‘St. Seraphim’s Trust’ and send to: St. Seraphim’s Trust, Station Rd, Little Walsingham, Walsingham NR22 6EB

Donate online

You can make a one-off online donation through our MuseumShops site – choose the option ‘Support St Seraphim’s Pilgrim Chapel and Quiet Garden’. You can also use the site to book tours, or to order items such as greetings cards and prints.

Donate in person

If you would prefer to make a donation in person, there are donation boxes in the Museum and a card machine in the Chapel porch. Or you can speak to a volunteer during your visit.

Give by bank transfer

To make a donation to St Seraphim’s directly from your bank account, please contact us for further information. If you are considering setting up a standing order.

Bequests, Gifts and Gift Aid

You can make a one off donation by filling in and returning the linked downloadable form from the button below. One of the most effective and personal ways to make a lasting impact on our work is to remember our charity in your will. If you would like to discuss leaving a legacy please get in touch. You can also fill in a Gift Aid form on the button below to make sure St Seraphim’s gains maximum benefit from your donation.