You can help us and play a part in preserving these icons for the future by sponsoring the restoration and conservation.

Sponsor an icon

We have had an estimate from a professional painting conservator to perform a program of works. Nearly all of the collection requires some form of conservation work undertaken to protect them, keep them safe, in good condition for the future.

Below is a list showing each icon which needs this process, with it is listed the estimated cost of the conservation work.

If you see an icon you would like to sponsor, whether a whole restoration or just part of the process, please contact us by email and we will be in touch. Every pound helps.

In addition to this we need to cover other costs such as recording the work, travel and expenses, if you would like to make a one-off donation please also contact us.

All sponsorships and donations are very much appreciated.

Please take a look and get in touch!

Mother of God of Walsingham

Reference: Icon 041

Estimated conservation cost £180

St Demetrios of Thessalonika

Reference: Icon 042

Estimated conservation cost £180

St Nektarios of Pentapolis

Reference: Icon 043

Estimated conservation cost £180

St John the Baptist

Reference: Icon 044

Estimated conservation cost £180

Russian Cross painted on slate

Reference: Icon 045

Estimated conservation cost £300

The Annunciation

Reference: Icon 046

Estimated conservation cost £180

St Seraphim of Sarov

Reference: Icon 084

Estimated conservation cost £300

St David of Wales

Reference: Icon 088

Estimated conservation cost £180

St Basil and St Gregory,

Reference: Icon 089

Estimated conservation cost £60

St Columba of Iona

Reference: Icon 090

Estimated conservation cost £180

Greeting to the Myrrh bearers

Reference: Icon 91

Estimated conservation cost £60

St Nicholas of Myra

Reference: Icon 093

Estimated conservation cost £60

Archangel Gabriel

Reference: Icon 094

Estimated conservation cost £300

Mother of God of Walsingham

Reference: Icon 95

Estimated conservation cost £300

Christ Pantocrator,

Reference: Icon 098

Estimated conservation cost £180

Royal Door – Left

Apostle and Evangelist John & Apostle and Evangelist Matthew

Reference: Icon 096

Estimated conservation cost £300

Royal Door – Right

Apostle and Evangelist Luke & Apostle and Evangelist Mark

Reference: Icon 097

Estimated conservation cost £300

Archangel Michael

Reference: Icon 094

Estimated conservation cost £180

Processional Cross

Reference: Icon 101

Estimated conservation cost £300

The Resurrected Christ

Reference: Icon 104

Estimated conservation cost £420

Christ Mandylion

Reference: Icon 125

Estimated conservation cost £300

Christ Pantocrator,

Reference: Icon 103

Estimated conservation cost £300